For importation of goods, it is the date of imp-ort declaration. 进口货物,为报关进口的当天。
In the case of paper declaration, the date of declaration shall be the day of registration when the customs accepts the paper declaration form. 以纸质报关单方式申报的,申报日期为海关接受纸质报关单并对报关单进行登记处理的日期。
I have not been imprisoned for any offence referred to in paragraph ( 2) hereof within the period of five years immediately preceding the date of this declaration. 本人无因任何段落二中描述的违法行为而入狱,而在此声明发出之前已满足五年要求。
If the written declaration does not contain the filing date of the earlier application and the name of the country in which the application was filed, the declaration shall be deemed not to have been made. 书面声明中未写明在先申请的申请日和受理该申请的国家的,视为未提出声明。
The validity period of the license certificate of export and import goods declared in advance shall be counted according to the date of the customs acceptance of the declaration. 验核提前申报的进出口货物许可证件有效期以海关接受申报之日为准。